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there, I fwixt it.
Where’s my mini spunow?
Now I have "Breaf me off a pief of thaf Kif Kaf bar" stuck in my head
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Cartoon showing a simple figure looking at a circle labelled sadness. It produces a box and covers the circle. When the box has completely obscured it, we can see the box is labelled: jokes.
It me!
@ba it all of us
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can confirm, everything is super close to the Sphinx and the Pyramids, yet when you go around the other side it feels like another world
I was totally dumbfounded by the sudden re-entry into city adjacent to the sphinx
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A K Mart receipt for an Atari (presumably VCS/2600), Casino, Asteroids & Space Invaders
total $710.45 in 2025 money.
yup, that was what 1981 was like.
i was 32 days old when this event took place
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an example strip from the comic series Larp Trek
Finally getting around to a cluster of "some day..." web projects, one of which is resurrecting the archives of my Larp Trek comic from 10+ years ago on a new durable self-hosted static site structure. Feels really nice to be giving it a new home finally.
Very much a work in progress, it will probably take me a few weeks at a decent pace to get all the strips back up in the new format and add commentary, depending on will and spare time. But it's solidly under way.
Very much a work in progress, it will probably take me a few weeks at a decent pace to get all the strips back up in the new format and add commentary, depending on will and spare time. But it's solidly under way.
Holy crap I had forgotten about Larp Trek, I loved this back in ye olde interweb day
Brilliant! Saved to /startrek
How are you doing the hosting?
@joost just uploading the rendered site to my long-standing Dreamhost webspace. I really need to sort things out to rsync it instead of just copying the whole fucking site over each time, but it works.
++ the punchline!!
@joshmillard Aha. Another option to consider is github pages. Pretty easy. And of course uploading then is just git.
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Epic. Snow. Beard.
Took a break from thinking about the fire burning down all around us today and enjoyed copious doses of powder pleasure with my good friend Mason.
@shitleopard ++
Last Train to Trancecentral.
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source: https://bsky.app/profile...
But it's so cold in the D
Down in the Toner Station at Midnight.
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Crayola Graffiti
source: https://flickr.com/photos...
The world would be a better place if we did art to all these kind of places.
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Art made from a broken decorated dinner plate, with drawings around it to match the now slightly rearranged motif.
Robert Strati’s Delicate Scenes in Ink Burst from Shattered Porcelain Plates
source: https://www.tumblr.com/itscolos...
source: https://www.tumblr.com/itscolos...
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Photo of highway in NJ with signage “Musk stole your tax data” on pedestrian overpass.
source: https://bsky.app/profile...
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So I haven't been on here for a while, kinda wanted to get the $24 package but I could never afford it so back to single scoop for now!
But I am back, hoping to share some stuff with everyone!
Source: Me in #BognorRegis
But I am back, hoping to share some stuff with everyone!
Source: Me in #BognorRegis
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Someone left an anonymous note on a car about my Trans Lives Matter sticker:
Hello Stranger!
I don't know about you, but life has been pretty hard since ∼ November 6th of last year. Most days it's a struggle to just get out of bed. However, recently I started seeing your car as I arrive at work, and seeing the "Trans Lives Matter" sticker as I walk by reminds me that not all the world is on fire; It gives me motivation to face the day ahead, and so I just wanted to say Thank you.
Your Upstairs Neighbor
P.S. Love the Tsukishima sticker, Astuma Miya/Oikawa are my favorites
Hello Stranger!
I don't know about you, but life has been pretty hard since ∼ November 6th of last year. Most days it's a struggle to just get out of bed. However, recently I started seeing your car as I arrive at work, and seeing the "Trans Lives Matter" sticker as I walk by reminds me that not all the world is on fire; It gives me motivation to face the day ahead, and so I just wanted to say Thank you.
Your Upstairs Neighbor
P.S. Love the Tsukishima sticker, Astuma Miya/Oikawa are my favorites
source: https://www.reddit.com/r...
i read a sociology paper about how small gestures of acceptance and inclusion can have an exponential affect on those around you.
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Data tries on different wigs
The four of them combined are a prog rock band.
Space Nickelback
Yeah but they all play synthesizer
Yeah but they all play synthesizer
Clockwise from top left: Ringo Starr, Roger Daltrey, Trent Reznor and Dan Andriano(? only bald musician I could think of of the top of my head)
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CDN media
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freeze frame on a title frame from s7 of taskmaster “roadkill doused in syrup” with a close-up photo of a baseball with bright red stitches
you jest don’t look at baseball stitches the same way after becoming a mortician.
been a fecking MONTH, y’all.
also and such as, anyone else a big ol’ taskmaster fan out there in the shp?
been a fecking MONTH, y’all.
also and such as, anyone else a big ol’ taskmaster fan out there in the shp?
Only the UK version, but very yes.
Taskmaster rules! I watch UK, NZ, and Oz. My 40th birthday was taskmaster themed.
huge TM fan here too, funniest thing on tv right now
Oh I have a family legend to repeat about a med student working his way through school as a shortstop and what later became his trademark way to stitch up a patient.
Pulls on both sides of the wounds evenly you see. And said relative was ambidextrous and would close up with a needles-and-thread in each hand.
While he was supposed to be studying the (surgical) blade, he was instead studying the baseball and took that education to his practice.
Or so the legend goes.
I heart little Alex Horne!
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A thank you note, to mltshp in general, just general, not dictator. (A little joke.)
Thank you for your company, and being here with me. These times are disturbing, and since no one wants to communicate irl, with the threat of so many excruciatingly dark consequences, it is nice to just be here. Thanks to the people who make the site work.
I hope you can find a community of people to communicate with irl. I have and its saved my life in ways the internet never can (respectfully)
I have close, old friends, but they are far away. I have tried rewriting, or erasing my scripts, undoing my schtick, but I am old, and I have used web convo to fill a huge gap, and I am just realizing the depth of it. But, I have made changes, and grown, I am just not sure what I even want now, besides an even cleaner slate. I would like to enjoy making art again. So, I am headed in that direction, working on evoking dopamine. But, thank you!
@0y3ahSansAcut3 from a fellow older creative on how to stay fresh: Keep trying shit. Particularly if it’s silly and won’t matter in the long run.
I enjoy your posts and perspective, thank you for sharing ✨looking forward to the result of your renewed inspiration if you choose to share that too
I don't have any advice to give. But I do wave at you from across the Atlantic!
Much appreciated all!
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milton with his red stapler in Office Space
I was told I could listen to the radio at a reasonable volume...
Fun fact; Swingline didn't make a red stapler, only gray and blue, so Mike Judge had a production designer paint one red... and the rest is history.
Fun fact; Swingline didn't make a red stapler, only gray and blue, so Mike Judge had a production designer paint one red... and the rest is history.
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source: https://mas.to/@SmudgeT...
Never seen this list.
woah. that is weird to see in alphabetical order!
@0y3ahSansAcut3 the list of shakes you subscribe to. Located in the menu under SHAKES.
I have wondered for years why it wasn't alphabetized. It's one of those quirks that I never thought to suggest. THANK YOU MLTSHP TEAM FOR HELPING US HELP OURSELVES!!!
I have wondered for years why it wasn't alphabetized. It's one of those quirks that I never thought to suggest. THANK YOU MLTSHP TEAM FOR HELPING US HELP OURSELVES!!!
@samh @ba @cristin @0y3ahSansAcut3
Now it's time to launch some new SHKs and OWN THE ALPHABETIZATION ALGORITHM.
Not sure my nerves can stand contributing to the timely and obviously-needed AAAAAAARRGHH!! shk, but I might need to think what would populate a Zzyzx shk.
(I kid, of course. This would be an Elon-level memeing of the grand decade-plus custodianship we have all enjoyed here, and we ain't those people.)
Now it's time to launch some new SHKs and OWN THE ALPHABETIZATION ALGORITHM.
Not sure my nerves can stand contributing to the timely and obviously-needed AAAAAAARRGHH!! shk, but I might need to think what would populate a Zzyzx shk.
(I kid, of course. This would be an Elon-level memeing of the grand decade-plus custodianship we have all enjoyed here, and we ain't those people.)
Yeah not happy about that actually...
I have well ingrained muscle memory for where my most used shks were in that list in the sidebar and now that muscle memory is out the window and adding images or videos to shks is a time consuming process...
I have well ingrained muscle memory for where my most used shks were in that list in the sidebar and now that muscle memory is out the window and adding images or videos to shks is a time consuming process...
@MackReed If you went through my search history, you would find one for "english words beginning with zu" from earlier today. Oh, and ignore the rest of my history—that was for research only!
alphabetized shake listing in my pulldown?
it's more likely than you think!
it's more likely than you think!
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Photo of a deep purple bandana on a mostly white quilt with green leaf/stem looking things and blue rectangles. The bandana has a light blue moon face in the middle, smirking. There are carved lines from the four sides that appear to make the shape square, and then some painted lines extend out each corner to the corners of the bandana. There are colorful starts within each of the four sections of the square.
I've been meaning to make block printed bandanas for awhile. Even going as far as getting the blank bandannas. Per usual, being a part of a community theater production inspired me to volunteer to make an overambitious art project. I learned a lot. I think this is my favorite.
I like it!
I have that print (on paper) in my dining room.
@frothywalrus thank you!
@bencmeissner 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@bencmeissner 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@misslivie have you thought about doing bleach for a color?
If you ever want to sell one of these I am something of a bandana aficionado...
@LocalStain I'm definitely going to put some in my shop.....after this play.
@frothywalrus bleaching the bandana pre-printing or..like, putting bleach on a block and "printing" that?
@frothywalrus bleaching the bandana pre-printing or..like, putting bleach on a block and "printing" that?
@misslivie bleach on a block...
@frothywalrus that would look really cool and requires some experimentation! I use these rubber blocks so I'm not sure how they would take to the bleach (and ideally I'd be able to reuse them on paper and other things later)
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Street sign that says Bassingbourn Cum Kneesworth / please drive safely
Man, they just can't figure out how to spell the name of the Dr Strange actor, can they?