Short story, totally true.
I handled an owl the other day.
Juvenile Tawny Frogmouth, hassled by other birds, reasons unknown, came down in teh DOG PARK.
Just stood there. Dogs are all, wooooaaahhhh.
Before they decided to charge the owl, I came around behind it and gently picked it up. I was like picking up a balloon or and empty paperbag.
Weighed nothing.
Anyway, kept turning it's head around at me and making gawping face.
My plan was to carry it out of the dog park, into the scrubby trees and put it down. All went well, found a suitable spot and as a thank you, my new owl fren, turned its head again and gave me a big bite on the finger.
Drew blood. It flew a little and stood on the ground and I left it to it.
It wasn't there the next day.
I handled an owl the other day.
Juvenile Tawny Frogmouth, hassled by other birds, reasons unknown, came down in teh DOG PARK.
Just stood there. Dogs are all, wooooaaahhhh.
Before they decided to charge the owl, I came around behind it and gently picked it up. I was like picking up a balloon or and empty paperbag.
Weighed nothing.
Anyway, kept turning it's head around at me and making gawping face.
My plan was to carry it out of the dog park, into the scrubby trees and put it down. All went well, found a suitable spot and as a thank you, my new owl fren, turned its head again and gave me a big bite on the finger.
Drew blood. It flew a little and stood on the ground and I left it to it.
It wasn't there the next day.