"Will The Circle Be Unbroken " - from the Bioshock Infinite OST, 2013

My favorite Bioshock.

Shortly after the game came out, at PAX someone did an amazing Elizabeth cosplay, and would say "Booker! Catch!" to passerby, and toss them one of those gold-wrapped chocolate coins. It was great. :D

I did have my fourth play through on my list, but I don't think it would be good for me

More than once I've looked at a stack of new games and instead replayed this or Skyrim.

Troy Baker is an astonishing voice actor. He does an excellent Harrison Ford impression in the new Indiana Jones game.

What an absolutely brilliant franchise this was. Played the whole series with my kid when he was 13 and excellent gameplay aside, the world-building was level-setting.

I adore Infinite—and still do—questionable plot choices aside. The DLCs are incredible as well.