i tell you hwhat

Only the UK version, but very yes.

Taskmaster rules! I watch UK, NZ, and Oz. My 40th birthday was taskmaster themed.

huge TM fan here too, funniest thing on tv right now

Oh I have a family legend to repeat about a med student working his way through school as a shortstop and what later became his trademark way to stitch up a patient.

Pulls on both sides of the wounds evenly you see. And said relative was ambidextrous and would close up with a needles-and-thread in each hand.

While he was supposed to be studying the (surgical) blade, he was instead studying the baseball and took that education to his practice.

Or so the legend goes.

I heart little Alex Horne!

Love it almost as much as 8 or of 10 Cats Does Countdown!

Big TM fan (UK, NZ, AUS), don't miss the New Year's Treats too!