1970's playgrounds were a test of survival

I have childhood memories of going down a metal slide like this in the hot summer sun, my short-shorts hiking up and the bottom of my thighs rubbing raw on the way down. I'm sure you can hear the sound in your head!

@Xedrik By the time I saw your comment I was already thinking "this is a pic you can hear".

I fell off one of these as a child. Not quite as tall, though, maybe the height of the next pair of legs that kid's about to reach on the slide. I was trying to slide down the leg like a fireman's pole. Knocked the wind out of me and scared the hell out of my poor mother.

When I was a kid, my cousin got pushed off the top of one of these by some kid who was too impatient to wait for his turn. My cousin hesitated too long at the top out of fear. Fractured his skull on the concrete but was ok afterwards. He always was a bit of a dick so he probably deserved it

I remember the fear. I also remember thinking my fear was irrational because adults made the slide. “This looks terrifying, but if it’s here for me some adult must have said it was okay.” As an adult now this logic does NOT hold up.